Black battle tank qiraji
Black battle tank qiraji

black battle tank qiraji

The reward for being the first player to ring the gong on each realm was the Black Qiraji Battle Tank, the first (and only) legendary mount ever available to players.

black battle tank qiraji

The gong could only be rung by players who had completed a long questline that took them through the previous two raids (Molten Core and Blackwing Lair) and made them kill deadly world bosses like Doctor Weavil, all while racing against other players on their realm. This marked the opening of the gates of Ahn’Qiraj and the beginning of the Alliance and Horde’s war with the Qiraji Empire which culminated in the death of the Old God C’Thun in the Ahn’Qiraj raid.

black battle tank qiraji

January 21-23rd marks the Call of the Scarab, an in game event commemorating the first ringing of the Scarab Gong. Hiding beneath the sands of Silithus the remnants of the Qiraji empire scuttle to and fro.

Black battle tank qiraji